GrandPa's Blue Ball

When I got to the Ball, I had a great time spreading the joys of dry ice in drinks. It does well in sodas and mixed drinks. Makes for many a raised eyebrow when folks walk by with a smoking glass of spirits looking like Elvira's Witch's Brew. I got quite a few repeat requests. However, dry ice does not do so good in beer...kinda makes it foamy. I felt so bad blowing half my friends beer out on the table, that I bought her a replacement. Does pretty much the same with Yoo-hoo. but if you mix enough rum and coke with your Yoo-hoo, it makes a tasty rum soaked chocolate foam that constantly gets replentished.....just lick it off the top of the glass every 10 seconds.


Pretty soon it was time for the Grandpa Look-alike Contest.

There were four contestants for the contest. Some were nothing but makeup, some had almost no makeup. Scary.

In the end, there was Grandpa #1...

Grandpa #2....

Grandpa #3....

or Grandpa #4.

If you were there, you know who won. If you weren''ll have to ask someone who was.


The Ice Queens were up next....

They were so hot....they were cool! Even Ice Queens can be warm and fun loving. The future winner can be seen here practicing her moves that later wowed the judges. Remember Sparkle Farkle???

After the Contests, it was time to get with the Boys in the Band and prep the Big Entrance for the Second Set.

The Band clowned around for a bit, doing shots and "stuff" to get in the proper frame of mind for the Big Re-Animation.


Pretty soon we got right and got down to the business at hand. The Cryonic Iron Man was wrapped and baked and looked like a giant baked potato


The Dry Ice Fog machine was prepped and ready for action.


The Crew got him prepped and rolled him out to begin the Re-Animation process.





Even Dead Elvis tried to put in a good word.....

The Cryonic Man finally awoke and after getting his land legs, staggered over to the Git-tar, picked it up and launched into an absolutely Kool rendition of Black Sabbath's "Iron Man"....


The rest of the Band came in one by one and the start of a three hour set was off and wailing.

The set was interspersed with familiar songs reworded for the Occasion.

Norwegian in the Shed (to the Beatles Tune of Norwegian Wood) was pretty funny.

That Vince is a Master of Improvisation.


Things went on for several hours and for a good portion of the set there were visiting musicians. Outstanding fiddle and washboard players made for some foot stompin' tunes and when the Zydeco came out, everybody got crazy. I even heard some ice cold, wailin' harp over in the corner....<grin>

A black guitarist layed down some tasty Jazz licks and everybody could dig it. Jammin' was happenin', mon!!

Finally, the Band played itself out and the audience was pretty much there, too.

As excellent as the music and night were, when it was was over. Everybody crashed at once and only a few hardy souls stayed to clean up after everyone else.

I helped Jake the Snake pack up his gear and his Fog Machine. The City Official was there to make sure everything got done in an approved manner. I helped the roadies pack the equipment in the truck and even tried to lighten the mood with a little impromptu concert, but the Matre'd told the Drunk Chick to stop beating time with the damn glasses and get the hell out, so we all got our feces in a tight group and got ready to make like a tree....

When the Drunk Chick split and the City Official ran to find her, I had no idea that she would return in spirit with Chadwick the Third and Doc Ron....several hours later.

When I left, I offered Jake a ride home, but he said he was feeling just a teensy bit off and thought the walk home would be good for his constitution. As we were walking out, we saw a computer and a Pirates mask laying on the seat behind the table. Turned out to be Vince's, but Jake said he was in no condition to deal with it and the Management was not feeling too well disposed towards the Band after the car moving incident, and so there was no one but your's truly to take charge of things. An Iceman's job is never done.....

I picked up the computer and other assorted things left behind and headed to my truck. I decided to drive around Ned for a while and see just what goes on there in the wee hours.

THAT's when I met up with Chadwick the Third and Doc Ron.....


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