FDG Days 2006

Friday Night

The opening Cereemony went off with the traditional Ice sculpture and Skeleton Dance.




The mood was infectous......thee's a whole family here. Poppa....


Momma and not so little baby skeleton....


Then came the Blue Ball. The Grandpa Lookalike and the Ice Queen Contests are always a hoot.

There's several queens and a few Grandpa's and even a Pimp for Master of Ceremonies in the pix below.




And the Winner is......


Grandpa crowned King of the Ball....






The next day was the Parade.....weather could have been a little more co-operative...

Everybody got cold just standing around waiting.....

We finally got on the road and started through town.......


Tours of the Tuff Shed and Chronicles of the Iceman

The only tour given this year was to the Pink Flamingoes


The Pink Flamingoes is a group of semi-retired people that get to go on tours to strange places that they never find out about until they get there. The Grandpa's Tuff Shed tour sure was a surprise to them.....I think they got their money's worth this time.


Instead of Tours, there were Lectures this year. I gave several in the conference room of the Motel, but one was given at the Cryogenic Mausoleum


These two braved some serious weather just to hear the Chronicle.

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